About Us
We are well reputed freight forwarder in Pakistan with branches in all commercial cities in Pakistan dealing EXPORT/IMPORT business with full supply chain logistics system with dedicated staff serving round the clock. We have fully equipped large warehouses near airports / sea ports and large fleet of vehicles with the help of 3PLs. We rank amongst well reputed and clean business handler in industry. We have best available and very competitive custom staff available for 24 hours in different shifts. Our services also include express deliveries and project handling.

Headquarter is located in Sialkot
 Kashmir Road,Pacca Garah,
Sialkot Pakistan
 +92-52-4295580 & 90, 4352027
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'We handled Govt. of Pakistan shipment picking fruits and vegetables from 24 cities in Pakistan in refer vehicles and delivered at IGW,Berlin Fair in 2012 and received appreciation from Mr.Shahbaz Sharif / Chief Minister Punjab.
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